Thursday, November 15, 2007

16 weeks 4 days :)

Hello family and friends!!

We are doing well. Baby Goodell is growing and growing. It's amazing how much I've grown in the past two weeks. I finally ordered some new clothes that I got yesterday and they fit so well! We're heading out tonight to go to California for the holiday. We're looking forward to this trip so much! Tonight we're driving to Ashland and then will finish up the trip on Friday. It should be a great time and to top it off we have 10 days off of work! Yippee!

Anyway, not much news to report. Still feeling great. I have tons of tons of energy and have no sickness at all!! I'll update next week from Grandma and Granddad's!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

14 weeks 4 days


So morning sickness has subsided and now the heartburn has set in. Ahhh yeah. But anything (and I mean ANYTHING!) is better than feeling seasick 24 hours a day for 2 months. So I'll take it.

Anyway, we went to our doctor's appointment today and all is well. It was pretty routine. All of my lab work from the last appointment came back great. No signs of anemia or anything else unusual. I got my flu shot (Marc loved watching that happen!) and then...we heard the heartbeat!! It was so cool. It's amazing that the little microphone thing works so well! Anyway, he started to look for it and warned me that it may take a bit to find and it and boom. There it was. I don't even think it took 30 seconds for Baby Goodell to be heard. (Is this a sign of things to come??)

Baby G's heart rate was right on target at 150. According to old wives tales, anything above 140 indicates...wait for it...GIRL!! So we'll find out in 6 weeks!

I can't believe our next appointment will be the big ultrasound. We cannot wait to find out what we're having. AND it's the half way mark of the pregnancy. That is truly unreal! But then again it's already November 1 and time is flying by. It will be time to go to that appointment before we know it.

I know I have been promising some photos so I'll get on that this week. My belly is getting bigger each day, although if you see me you may not be able to tell. I however notice...since I have NEVER had a gut this big in my life. But considering there's a peach/grapefruit sized growth in there, well I guess it's not that unusual!

I hope everyone is doing well and got through Halloween ok. I'm looking forward to our trip to CA for Thanksgiving...and SOOOO looking forward to the feast itself. I'm always up for a nice turkey dinner, but for some reason this year I salivate just thinking about it!

Talk to you soon!