So, I'm getting impatient. Not for the baby to actually be here (trust me I can wait a while before I start to really think about labor) but to find out if Baby J is a girl or boy! It's driving me insane! I know that all the parts are there and formed we just need to see them...and we have more than a week before we can know! 11 days to be exact!
AGhhh! AND to top it off I have yet to feel little Baby J's acrobatics in I'm impatiently waiting for that too.
At least it's Christmas time so I have a million other things to keep me occupied. We got our Christmas trees (yes that is TREES - plural) this weekend so I was busy getting those all set up. We are looking forward to being home this year for the holiday since we've never been home on Christmas morning.
Other than that we're just going through the motions. We are trying to sell our guest room furniture so we can start on the nursery. But it's not as easy as one would think. I get at least three scam emails a day from
Craigslist. I'm getting very frustrated. If it doesn't sell this month I'm just going to store it in the garage until I can sell it. I want it OUT of the room so I can start getting things ready. Although that of course freaks me out because there is so much to do. Luckily there's a writers strike so my t.v. shows are all going to reruns. I think the miserable January and February will be used to decorate and shop. Such a rough life I lead :)
Anyway, that's about it. I'll update you all on December 14
th!!! Place your bets now! Oh, we tried the ring over the palm trick (you put your wedding ring on a chain and hold it over your palm). If it swings from side to side you're having a boy - in a circle you're having a girl.
We went round and all signs so far are pointing to girl. Which of course means it'll be a boy :)