Well yesterday Jensen was officially one month old! Woo hoo! I cannot believe it! Time is going by so fast...before I know it she's going to be going to college. Sigh...but we are enjoying every minute of being a family. Jensen is doing so well and is SUCH a great baby. She sleeps in 3-4 hour stretches at night, puts herself to sleep if drowsy and rarely cries. She gets a little fussy around 6 or 7 every evening but it's never too bad. She's so amazing and so cute if I do say so myself!
She's starting to smile a little, although I have yet to capture it on film. She's also really enjoying her mobile and activity mat as she gets to play with more and more things. The dogs have adjusted to her, and will walk by, give her a kiss and then keep on going. I think they've realized that she's not going any where. Davis will come and get me if she's in her crib crying and will turn circles and freak out until I get her calmed down. It's pretty cute.
Other than that we've been doing well. We're still waiting for spring to arrive here in Oregon. It's teasing us here and there but still raining. Our yard is in need of some serious work but we've been unable to get out there. (Oh darn right??!!) Hopefully this weekend I can plant some flowers and get all the weeds pulled. We'll see...luckily I have some sort of an excuse.
Well here are some pictures of Jensen at one month. It's amazing to see the difference in her. I hope you all are doing well :)