Well as you can see I've done some housekeeping here on the blog. I am getting kind of savvy with this stuff. Ok, well I have some competition from my friend Jen. Her blog is so cute and she's very talented...where as I just ramble and figure it out as I go. But she's inspired me so here we are.
Speaking of Jen, her little one Emma turned ONE last week and we were invited to her birthday party at Gymboree. It was SO much fun! Marc and I kept saying on the way home that we'd had way more fun than we were expecting for a first birthday party. Jensen was loving all the babies to play with, the copious amounts of bubbles, and of course the parachute! What baby wouldn't love a parachute being lifted and lowered and lifted and lowered and jumbled all around. They were all so cute and had such a great time. Here's a photos of Jensen eating her birthday hat:

And one of the birthday girl:

Other than that we're just getting ready to head to California next week. We've been in debate over when we should leave. Should we drive half way Thursday night and so we get in at a decent time on Friday? Should we drive straight through Thursday so Jensen sleeps most of the time? Should we just drive as we normally would? I think we've decided to leave really early (like 4:00 am early) Friday morning. Jensen should sleep for the first three hours and we'd still make it the Bay Area before rush hour. So I'll let you know how it goes! We do realize that this is going to be the easiest drive with a child for probably the next 10 years or so. We've already started to save our money to fly next Thanksgiving! ha ha!
We are going to see SANTA tomorrow so I'll post some pictures of that. I am anticipating a very scared and/or screaming baby picture. But you've got to do it!