Wow. I know, I know. I keep saying how fast she's growing but it's so true! She's becoming a little girl...and it makes me long for her newborn days (not the 3:00 am feeding though!) when she was so soft and alert and was just discovering things. Of course, she's still discovering many how to get herself unstuck from the bottom of her exersaucer, but you know what I mean!
We all got hit this last week and a half with daycare germs! Yuck...Jensen brought home a very nasty cold that we are all finally getting over. She is back to normal and Marc and I are almost there. Hopefully by this weekend we'll be as good as new.
Jensen is waving all the time now. In fact, she loves to wave to herself in the mirror in the car. She gets SO excited when she gets in her carseat and sees herself in the mirror. She starts to laugh and wave frantically. I don't think she realizes she's waving to herself but it gives her so much pleasure why burst her bubble?