I'm sitting outside in the 70 degree afternoon working and relaxing. Ah, so nice! Things are going good. I'm feeling fine, although with all this running around I'm doing down here I'm getting tired! Oh well, it's worth it. I got in last Friday to attend a wedding on Saturday. The wedding was great (although sober weddings are never as much fun as ones you can drink at!). Now I'm just working in the office and helping mom get ready for the shower. Marc is driving in on Friday. Poor guy! But he'll do anything for Baby J I think :)
Our 3D ultrasound was very cool although our little angel was rather stubborn! She did NOT want to move her hand from her face. She was being very shy...and mom just wanted to reach in there and move it out of the way! But we did get some shots of her, so it wasn't a total loss. Maybe she's just relishing her privacy while she can because once she's born I think she'll have a camera in her face at all times!
Here are some pictures from the ultrasound. Unfortunately a lot of them are the same. But still cool! I'll update you all next week about the showers I'm having down here. My boss is also throwing me a work shower on Wednesday and is flying up from Orange County just for the day! It's so sweet! We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives! (Yes that includes you!)
Anyway, enjoy Baby J's first photos...in a few months you're going to start deleting my emails with photos of her I'm sure! ha ha!

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