I am now the proud mommy to a SIX MONTH old baby! I just can't believe it. Time went by so fast! I remember when I couldn't wait to be six months pregnant and it took FOREVER! Now, she's getting so big, doing so many new things, and just as cute as a button.
We went to the doctor yesterday and she got a few shots. She screamed but calmed down right away. She weighed 17 lbs. 4.5 oz and was 26.5 inches long. She's in the 75th percentile so she's a big girl! She's already well into her 6-9 month clothes...and I'm hoping that her Christmas stuff will fit her. But after Halloween we'll have to make an exception for wearing Reindeer overalls right??
Ok, so cutest story from last week. Jensen is starting to show affection and it's the cutest thing ever. So we get home from day care on Thursday and I"m taking off her jacket by our coat hook. There's a mirror over the hooks so we usually play the "Look at the cute baby" in the mirror. So we're looking in the mirror and she catches my eye. Then she grabs my face with both hands and leans in to snuggle, forehead to forehead. OMG! She was so happy and smiley and it was the most precious moment I've had in a long time. It's right up there with the first smile of the morning :) It melted my heart...sniff sniff.
Check out her 6 month photo on the side...it's hilarious! She looks so surprised! Here is a photo we took in all the fall leaves this weekend. It was 70 degrees and BEAUTIFUL with all the fall colors so of course I had to take pictures!!
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