Monday, November 10, 2008

Just like Mommy!

Well I discovered first hand the change of plans that can happen so quickly as a parent last week. On Saturday Jensen and I were going to take our first road trip to Bend to visit my college roommate Aly who is 3 months pregnant. I was so excited to see her and have her meet Jensen. We'd talked Thursday morning and decided that if the snow level was too low, that I'd stay home since Marc wasn't going to come and I didn't think putting chains on by myself with a 6 month old was a wise choice. A few hours after talking with Aly I got an email from Rachel. Abi, Rachel's daughter, was exposed to Fifth Disease on Halloween...meaning Jensen was exposed second hand the next night.

No big deal really, it's a common childhood disease and usually affects children 5-15 with a slight fever and rash. Then I read a little's very dangerous if you're pregnant. GREAT! So I called Jensen's doctor and they advised us to stay home and not visit Aly just in case Jensen is carrying the virus. Sigh. Just like that, plans can change! ha ha!

But we never letting things get in our way, and we had a very nice weekend. We met Abi and Rachel in Lake Oswego for a nice sing-along at the library Saturday morning (oh another bonus, the local radio station had holiday music for the weekend! woo hoo!). Then Jensen and I hit the mall to do some Christmas shopping. Jensen was soooo good! After taking about an hour to get us both fed, she was a little trooper! She was so happy. She smiled at everyone, loved seeing herself in the mirrors and windows, and her favorite, being pushed through the small aisles into the racks of clothes. She found this hilarious! (I apologize to any local women who bought slobbered clothes at Nordstrom. But blame them...they are WAY too close together!)Anyway, Jensen proved once again, that she's like her mommy. She likes to shop...and smiles the whole time :)

Oh and added bonus, I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping. WOO HOO!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I can't believe you are ALREADY almost done with your Christmas shopping! You rock! And Emma's a little shopper too - we should hit the mall together sometime. :)