that there's nothing going on, your child surprises you! ha ha! After my post on Tuesday about nothing going on, Jensen and I were playing when she started to roll over. No biggie, you say, she's been doing that for a while. Well, I went into the laundry room to get a load out to fold, and come back and she's moved...about two feet. Interesting...
Then yesterday morning I put her down in my office while I start the day and before I know it, she's rolled under the jumperoo and is pissed because she can't keep going! Ha ha! She's been a steamroller ever since. She even got to the wall the last night and was trying to keep going!

And After:
those darn walls! She is too funny. I think your days of being able to "run and get the laundry" are numbered lady! :)
lol! That's awesome! You know what's next, right? She'll be crawling any minute now that she's figured out she has her own power! I love it!!
OH MY GOSH!!!!! How funny is that...Just wait....soon she will be getting around on foot then watch out....It's sure fun to see what Savannah has in store for herself and what Jensen is now doing along with what Brady and Ashlyn have already done. Kids grow so fast. Take care and keep the blog going.....
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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